

英语面试,通常都是一对一的形式进行,老师也会给考生一些话题来讨论或做简单的问答;也有少数学校是以小组讨论形式进行,比如北大法学院的复试,就是10个考生为一组,首先每人用英文作一个自我介绍,然后抽取一篇英文材料,进行讨论。 由于每个学校的具体要求不同,因此不能一概而论,需要具体问题具体分析。但一般来说,无论什么形式的英语测试,都包括三部分——个人基本情况、专业素质和潜能展示以及英语口语和听力测试。

一、个人基本情况 这一部分考官主要了解考生的个人信息情况,所以考生不必刻意去准备,在回答问题时自然流畅即可。 例如: 1.“Good afternoon, my name is Wang Wei. I come from XXX University, majoring in law of course!” “下午好,我叫王薇,来自XXX大学,主修法律专业!” 2.“I was born in a rural area/small town on September 9th, 1984 and grew up there. Then I moved to Beijing since the freshman year at university in order to pursue my higher education! ” “我出生于农村/小城镇,生于1984年9月9日。上大学以来我一直居住在北京,因为我要在这里继续深造我的学业!" 二、专业素质和潜能力展示 在这个环节中,考生可以介绍自己的本科论文题目以及毕业论文大纲,也可以谈一到两个自己感兴趣的法学学术前沿问题。这些问题的答案不需要很详细,大概说一下就可以了,重要的是要体现出你的专业能力以及对专业的求知欲和对知识的探索精神。如果考生在面试时不懂得专业知识也不必紧张,你可以尝试表达你对于该专业知识的兴趣及求知欲望,并向导师表明你今后的研究方向,这样反而会让导师觉得你有继续研究该领域问题的潜力。 三、英语口语和听力测试题 这个环节的测试重点在于考察学生能否听懂问题,并运用一定的语法知识组织答案的能力,是否具有清晰的语言表达能力和应变能力。因此在考前应该多积累一些口语句式,如: ①表示原因的句型 There are two reasons as follows: One reason is that…Another reason is that... Because... So what we can do now is... It should be noted that one reason for this phenomenon... This explanation holds not only because but also due to... A case in point is that... The first important aspect would be…… ②表示反对的句型 I am against it. On contrary, I think That's far from correct or true. In fact, it isn't necessary at all. For example, …is totally wrong. How could you reach such an absurd conclusion? What’s more,it won’t work out at all. Therefore I strongly oppose your opinion. As far as I concerned,we shouldn’t take into account too many factors which influence us. Instead,what matters most is how to realize our own value. Besides it is very essential to solve practical problems facing us today rather than make plans ten years ahead of time. To conclude,in real life,you have to act according to different situations with diverse solutions depending on them. ③表示比较的句型 In comparison with sth.In contrast with sb.It is better to sth /doingsth compared with doing so.The former is much superior to the latter. When comparing both sides, one must keep open mind regardless of who wins. However,if I were given the chance,I will definitely choose the


我是过来人,经历过调剂和两次复试的经历。 调剂的时候因为学校要求的是英语对话,所以我在B站看了很多关于面试的片段来学习怎样进行英语交流(虽然最后调剂学校没有通过);第二次是今年刚过去的北京某学校英语专业研究生复试,也是英语问答环节,我的问题是我本科是不是英语专业,你的职业规划是什么之类的问题。



