一、英语口语的考查一般分为自我介绍和话题阐述两部分,其中话题阐述又包括主题陈述和讨论两个部分。 英语面试的自我介绍是必备的考察项之一,一般在2分钟左右即可。在介绍自己的基本情况时,需要突出个人特点及优势,并且注意控制语速,避免过于冗长或出现卡顿;在介绍家庭情况和其他兴趣爱好时则可以适当简要。
另外,由于不同院校对于自我介绍的时间限定可能有所不同,因此在准备自我介绍时要注意把握节奏,同时也要注意不要过度模仿网上的模板,应多结合自身的实际情况进行表述。 在话题阐述环节中,同学们应该尽量做到条理清晰、重点明确,这样能让老师更好地了解你的想法;而在面对一些开放性的问题时,则需要尽可能多地表达自己的观点,并加以论证,但要注意不能跑题。
二、英语口语练习小技巧 对于想要顺利通过英语面试的人来说,平时多加练习是很重要的。除了自己多说以外,也可以和同学一起对练或者录音来检测自己的不足之处并进行改进。还可以找外教或者英语水平较高的人帮忙修改一下稿件,确保自己在考场上的表现能够更加从容自信一些。
1. 跟读BBC等新闻节目或电影电视剧的原声片段,可以增强自己的语感和熟悉度。
2. 尝试用所学的词汇造句,通过不断重复来说明自己对这些词句的理解程度。
3. 多看英文报刊杂志和网页内容以提高阅读能力。
4. 尝试用自己的语言复述一些新闻事件、人物评价等内容,以此来锻炼自己的口头表达能力。
5. 背诵一些常见的对话段落,以便在考试中能快速地组织出完整的答案。
三、英语口语常考题目类型(参考) A: Do you like to watch news programs? B: Yes, I do.../No,I don't…(Why Not?) A: What kind of newspaper or magazine do you usually read for your daily information update? B: I prefer reading the local papers such as The Beijing Morning Post because it is more convenient and informative than other newspapers or magazines from another city…… (Talk about one thing you are interested in) It was a rainy day last Friday when my classmates and I went hiking at West Hill Park, which attracted lots of visitors that week due to its scenic views over the city. We began at noon after having lunch together outside Xuanwu Gate, followed by an hour-long tram ride along Nanluoguxiang Road up to the foot of the mountain where we started our hike. With several stops on route, each trip lasted around two hours altogether with plenty of time to buy snacks, chat with fellow hikers who were mostly university students and have fun taking pictures of the view around us. At the top, there was a restaurant called Heng Shan Restaurant which served some Chinese traditional dishes including Peking Duck, Dumplings etc. After finishing lunch, we walked back down to the bus station via Wangfujing Street then transferred back to the school. All in all, it was a wonderful outing that not only gave me an opportunity to practice speaking English but also brought me closer to nature.
四、其他注意事项和建议 1.