你好,我是落羽。我喜欢阅读、音乐和电影。爱幻想但又很现实。我希望能通过文字改变自己的生活状态,所以每天都会花很多时间阅读、写故事或者摘抄句子。我喜欢一切美丽的事物,却也会为现实而感到无奈。 我想要成为像树一样的人——坚忍、善良、正直、勇敢而且对自己充满信心。我希望自己能够一直在坚持自己的梦想,努力前进,做一个真正的自己! 《飘》(Gone with the Wind)是作家玛格丽特·米切尔创作的长篇小说,1936年出版后很快就登上了美国畅销书排行榜的榜首,至今畅销不衰。小说讲述了一个美国南方种植园主女儿的爱情传奇,一个“浪漫主义的宏伟乐章”[1] 在20世纪30年代经济大萧条时期,这部小说使作者一举成名;而到了二战期间,它又被改编成同名电影,由好莱坞巨星费雯·丽饰演女主角郝思嘉,这部电影也成为历史上最为卖座的电影之一。
1. 坚韧不拔,永不放弃 Spunk is defined here as “a quality that won't let you give up on life or your dreams.” 斯佳丽就是拥有这种品质的最好证明——“她有无数的理由哭泣,但是她没有让眼泪流下来。”——她坚强地应对生活中出现的各种问题,从不逃避。
2. 热爱你所做的事业 Love what you do is another of my top traits for success. You need to be passionate about whatever it is you’re doing in order to achieve greatness at it. Spunk can also mean daring and audacity when it comes to pursuing your goals, and this is a key aspect of success that people seldom discuss—the courage necessary to overcome obstacles and challenges on our path towards reaching our destination. But I believe we often lack such bravery because we are so worried about failure, which would simply not exist if you were living out your passion.
3. 独立 Independent and self-sufficient虽然是一种古老的价值观,但是如今我们仍然可以在许多现代英雄身上看到它的影子:爱因斯坦没有结婚,也没有孩子,他的生活全部献给了科学;马丁路德金在倡导民权运动时不接受任何赞助,他说他不需要钱,“我不需要别人的允许就能成就任何事情。” The fact that they were not dependent on anyone for their happiness made them even more free to pursue their passions and therefore incredibly successful. A soul fully engaged by its own energy is an infinitely powerful force.