

The first is the Rat. 老鼠,子鼠 The symbol of a dark and stormy night suggests that we need to be alert, awake and watchful in order to overcome evil influences during the long periods when we are most vulnerable as newborns 和when we are sleepy, dreamy infants。

In Chinese astrology, the earthly branch associated with the rat is ji, meaning “to push” or “to urge on.” In other words, one must “urge forward” in life, for it is only through action that we can attain our goals。 As such, the year of the rat is considered to be an auspicious time to start new projects, make changes at work or to pursue a new romantic interest。

Second is the Ox. 属牛,丑牛 Our second image is taken from the old Chinese painting depicting two oxen pulling a cart。 With their great strength, the ox was used to draw carriages——symbolizing a slow, but steady progress toward wealth and status——in ancient China。 This is why Chinese New Year's day is also called the Day of the Ox。 A human face painted atop an ox signifies prudence, determination and hard work——all necessary qualities to move ahead in life。

The third is the Tiger. 属虎,寅虎 The tiger is a symbol of power——the ability to overthrow obstacles and prevail over rivals。 It represents independence and courage, two more characteristics needed in this lifetime journey we call life。 The image of a roaring lion above flames shows that while we may feel scared and uncertain about what lies ahead, there is always hope and help in times of danger and trouble——help will always be nearby if you have the courage and determination to look for it。

Fourth is the Rabbit. 属兔,卯兔 Our fourth picture is taken from a famous Chinese painting,“The Fairies of Huanggu,” which depicts a hare chasing after rabbits while a rabbit farmer looks on in surprise。 Although it means something different in Chinese than English(it’s not quite “April Fool’s Day”——at least not directly), the meaning is clear——a foolish, optimistic side should be balanced by a cautious, realistic one; too much caution could lead us to miss out on exciting opportunities, but too much optimism can leave us floundering in disaster。

Fifth is the Dragon. 属龙,辰龙 We are familiar with dragons in Western
